Aesthetic Oral Rehabilitation
What is Oral Rehabilitation?
Oral rehabilitation is the specialty of dental medicine responsible for restoring dental function, structure and aesthetics when these have been compromised. This can be caused by extensive cavities which affect the tooth’s resistance; inadequate previous treatments; dental fractures; dental wear caused by para-functional habits such as bruxism (teeth grinding), onychophagia (nail biting), etc; colour changes derived from old treatments; absence of teeth, among others.
What kind of treatments are performed
in Oral Rehabilitation?
- Dental veneers;
- Crowns;
- Overlays, onlays, inlays, veneerlays;
- Bridges;
- Rehabilitation on implants.
What are dental veneers?
Dental veneers are ultra-thin ceramic parts that, when bonded to the tooth, allow the correction of dental alterations in shape, color, and position, in order to achieve an aesthetic and functional correction of the smile.
Oral rehabilitation with the fabrication of biocompatible ceramic parts allows to reestablish dental anatomy, increasing dental and gum health.
Aesthetic rehabilitation allows the correction of dental flaws in terms of color, shape, and position, in order to obtain a more harmonious smile. Each smile is planned in a personalized way, taking into account the facial features of each patient so that it fits their face, suits their personality and increases their self-esteem!
Ceramics is a very strong material indicated to restore lost tooth structure and reinforce tooth strength. Teeth with very large cavities are more likely to fracture because of the small amount of remaining tooth; therefore, these should be recovered with a strong material, such as ceramics, to be able to withstand the forces of chewing.
Oral rehabilitation allows functional problems to be fixed by balancing the way the forces coming from the patient’s chewing and occlusion are distributed. It is important to minimize overloads and occlusal traumas in order to prevent muscle pain, TMJ (jaw joint) problems and dental fractures, among others.
Step by step treatment with dental veneers
In the first Oral Rehabilitation appointment, it is essential to make a correct diagnosis through clinical observation, evaluation of radiographic exams, casts or digital scan,and a photographic study.
Based on this data, a digital study of the smile is performed, allowing the design of a 3D mock-up of the final smile that can be tested in the patient’s mouth, without any dental intervention. This way, the patient can see and approve their smile design at an early stage and ensure that their expectations are met.
The mock-up (or smile test drive) is done in the second appointment. Photographs are taken and the patient’s lip dynamics, phonetics, and comfort are tested. When the test drive is approved, we have a consultation for preparing the patient and perform a digital scan.
In this appointment, the necessary dental polishing is done to ensure the ceramic is thick enough and the dental molds are made so that the prosthetic laboratory can make the ceramic veneers according to the planned smile. At the end of the appointment, highly aesthetic provisional veneers with the shape approved in the mock-up phase are placed.
In the last consultation, the ceramic veneers are bonded to the teeth following a strict protocol, to ensure the strength and asepsis of the treatment. This is how the veneer rehabilitation workflow ends, with a bright, harmonious smile, thanks to the biomimetic properties of ceramics.
See Clinical Cases of Oral Aesthetic Rehabilitation
Frequently Asked Questions
Does venner placement make teeth more fragile?
Do veneers change color over time?
No. Unlike what happens with natural teeth, that suffer the effects of pigmenting agents such as tobacco or coffee, ceramic veneers do not change colour over time.
What is a mock-up?
The mock-up is the phase of treatment with ceramic veneers in which the patient can test the new smile without any intervention, using an acrylic resin that is removed after the test at the end of the appointment.
What special care should i have after having the veneers placed?
Ceramic veneers require the same maintenance as natural teeth. Oral hygiene care should be maintained through interproximal cleaning with dental floss, tooth brushing, and scaling every six months.
What is the difference between veneers and crowns?
Crowns are ceramic pieces which cover all the faces of the tooth, and are indicated for cases in which the dental remnant is very small. Veneers are ceramic pieces with reduced thickness which cover only the anterior surface of the tooth.
What is an overlay?
An overlay is a type of indirect restoration made of ceramic or composite that covers the occlusal side of the tooth, i.e. the chewing side and tooth contact. It is indicated for posterior teeth which have suffered great dental structure loss, since it reinforces their strength and minimizes the probability of fractures.
Your first consultation begins here.
After requesting your appointment, our team will contact in order to find the best date for you.
Our patients are very important to us and we always do what we can to help them have a better quality of life and a smile that promotes their well-being.